
Monday 20 July 2020

Thai Chili Basil Stir Fry

This was always one of my favorite dishes to order from Thai restaurants! If you want the fried puffy tofu they give you in the restaurants you can get it from most Asian supermarkets. It’s also good with vegan chicken (I like using soy curls like Wholesome Provisions Just Like Chicken). I made this vegan version following a traditional recipe from The World of Thai on YouTube. Like with most stir-fry recipes it's easier to have all ingredients ready to go as you need to keep it moving on the wok/pan. Serve with rice.

Thai Chili Basil Stir Fry


300 g fried tofu or vegan Chicken (I used soy curls)
1 cup Thai Holy Basil leaves (you must use Thai basil, regular basil won't taste the same)
15 cloves of Garlic
7 Bird's Eye Chili (this was pretty spicy so adjust for your level)
3 tbsp Vegan Oyster sauce
2 tbsp soy sauce
1/2 tbsp vegan Fish sauce
1 tbsp Palm sugar (if you don't have this you can sub with brown or granulated sugar)
4 tbsp Cooking oil

If using soy curls or the like make sure to hydrate them with some hot water/stock prior to cooking. 
In a pestle and mortar crush the garlic and chilli to release the fragrance.
Add to a hot wok/pan with your cooking oil.
Once fragrances have been released in the wok add your "chicken" or tofu until heated through/starting to brown.
Add your sauces and sugar and stir well, letting the sugar melt and sauces mix with other ingredients.
Lastly add your basil leaves and once they wilt it is time to serve.
Remove from heat and serve with rice of choice.

Sunday 19 July 2020

Wait Toilet Paper isn't Vegan??!?

So this was something I actually found out late in my vegan career and purely by accident but yes most big brands of toilet paper contain animal by-products, mostly gelatin, as a binding agent. Ew right?! Just when you think you know everything about being vegan they throw you another curveball...

Here are some links if you would like to know more and I tried to find some specific to different countries so you know you're options! If your country isn't here chances are someone has already written a post about it or if you search you can find a vegan brand. Granted we are in the middle of a pandemic and toilet paper is scarce so just make changes where you can and don't feel too guilty...being vegan is about conscious decisions everyday, not about being perfect!

Unfortunately the same can be true of some tissue and paper towel brands as well. I know, they don't make it easy for us! Opt for reusable substitutes where you can such as hankies for tissues and flour sack towels for paper towels. If you're really hardcore you can get reusable toilet tissue called "family cloth" but experts don't recommend that one.

This is a link to an interesting article on most aspects of creating a vegan home.