
Monday 17 December 2012

Cheese, Red Onion & Rosemary Muffins

I adapted this recipe from Savoury Mini Muffins with Two Flavours by Delia Online. I made these mini muffins for my wedding. They were delicious, the only thing I would change would be baking them straight into the greased tray and then putting them in cases afterwards as they stuck to the paper a bit.
This recipe will make 12 muffins or 24 mini muffins.

Cheese, Red Onion & Rosemary Muffins


For the muffins:  

10 oz (275 g) plain GF flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 egg replacer
1 egg replacer or olive oil for brushing over muffins before baking
8 fl oz (225 ml) rice milk
a little vegan margarine for greasing
1 teaspoon sea salt

For the goats' cheese, red onion and rosemary flavouring:

2 oz (50 g) red onion, peeled and finely chopped
2oz (50 g) cheese, cut into 1/4 inch (5 mm) cubes (I used Vegusto No-Moo Piquant)
2 teaspoons chopped fresh rosemary, plus 12 small sprigs for garnishing
1/2 oz (10 g) vegan margarine


Make the flavouring first by melting the margarine in a small saucepan and softening the onion in it for about 5 minutes. Then allow it to cool.
Now pre-heat the oven to gas mark 6, 400°F (200°C) while you make the basic muffin mixture.
First of all, sift the flour, baking powder and salt on to a large plate, then take a large mixing bowl and sift the mixture again, this time into the bowl, holding the sieve up high to give the flour a good airing.
Now, in a jug, beat one of the egg replacers, then whisk it together with the milk. Next, fold all this into the flour, using the minimum number of folding movements. (Ignore the unpromising look of the mixture at this stage and don’t overmix.)
Now return to the flavouring and gently mix the onion into the muffin mixture in one bowl, along with the cheese and chopped rosemary, folding in, as before, with as few strokes as possible.
If mixture is looking too dry, add some more milk.
After that, if you are using muffin cases, arrange them in the tins and spoon the mixture into them; alternatively, spoon the mixture straight into the greased tins.

Beat the egg replacer or olive oil and brush the surfaces with it, then top the muffins with a sprig of rosemary.
Then bake them for about 20 minutes, or until well risen and golden. Remove the muffins from the tins to a rack and eat as warm as possible.

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