
Sunday 24 September 2017

Bulk Baby Oatmeal

This is a simple oatmeal I prepare for my baby every morning. He's been eating it since he was around 1 year old. I keep a selection of chopped steamed fruits and vegetables in the freezer so I can just add them in before microwaving. Apple was the go to fruit until he started getting a bit constipated and so we switched to pear which has worked great. Now I keep steamed chopped pears and add an extra item such as apple, strawberry, peach, beets or butternut squash. I chop and steam them and then put them in ice cube trays to freeze, around 2 Tbls per serving. I use one cube of pear and one of another item in the oats so essentially around 1/4 cup of chopped steamed fruit/veg, which you could use fresh also. I make a batch of the dry ingredients (oats and cinnamon) and keep them in an air tight container.

Bulk Baby Oatmeal


2 cups Oats
1 tsp Cinnamon


Grind the oats in a food processor or coffee grinder until reduced o a fine grain.
Add in cinnamon (or any other spice) and mix well - how much you add is up to you but rule of thumb for me is around 1 teaspoon cinnamon to 2 cups ground oatmeal.
If you want to add something different everyday then just skip mixing it in with the oats.
The scoop I use is an old coffee scoop for it holds around 1 Tbls. The serving suggestion below is what my baby eats now at 18 months. At 12 months I gave him half as much because the larger amount he would never finish but now he eats it all, and a banana too :)

To Serve

Take two scoops of oatmeal mix (around 2 Tbls), around 1/4 cup non-dairy milk and 1/4 cup of fruit/vegetable of choice and microwave for around a minute (we have a 1700W microwave and I find 70 seconds is perfect).
Mix oatmeal and fruits well, I use a fork to mash everything together.
Wait till cools to an eatable temperature.
Sometimes I sprinkle with hemp seed hearts, ground flax or chia seeds.

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