
Saturday 4 January 2020

Homemade Elderberry Syrup

Elderberries are packed full of vitamin C, antioxidants and immune boosting properties (more information on studies here) so here's a way to get that in your every day...on a budget :)
Feel free to add extra spices for preference, I sometimes like some cardamon pods and star anise! Personally I only use half the amount of sweetner listed because for me it's enough.

Homemade Elderberry Syrup
(makes around 2 cups)


2/3 cup dried organic elderberries^
1-2" ginger grated
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground clove
1/2 cup vegan honey or maple syrup (or really any sweetener of choice) 
3 1/2 cups water


Add water, berries, ginger, clove and cinnamon to a saucepan and heat on medium-high heat until boiled.
Lower heat, cover and simmer for 60 minutes.
Allow to cool to warm then strain liquid into a bowl.
Whisk in maple syrup, add more to taste.
Transfer to sterilized* containers.

Dose is;
For Daily Health; 10ml (2 tsps) for adults and 5ml (1 tsp) for children
For cold & flu; Same dosage as above but repeated 3-4 times per day.

*to steralize your jars/bottles, wash with dish soap and hot water and heat in a 275F oven for 20 minutes.

^I got my organic elderberries from Sunburst Superfoods.

Thursday 2 January 2020

Garden Spaghetti

Based on the old Italian recipe "Whore's Pasta" (I assume because those ingredients were cheap in Italy at the time), this dish is wonderful fresh and the flavors come together so beautifully. I substitute a splash of "ume" plum vinegar for the anchovies, gives that lovely fresh by the Mediterranean feel.
You can add whatever extras you have; red onion, fresh basil, vegan Parmesan etc.
For a healthier alternative you can serve with zucchini/butternut noodles instead of pasta.

Garden Spaghetti
(Serves 2 mains, 4 starters)


1 pint cherry tomatoes
2-3 cloves crushed garlic
Olive oil (I like basil infused)
1/2 cup black olives, pitted
2 Tbls capers
"ume" plum vinegar (optional)

GF Spaghetti


Slice cherry tomatoes down the center and when finished with the batch crush them with a potato masher or fork.

Add tomatoes and garlic (and onion if using) to a medium-large skillet with a drizzle of olive oil and allow to cook on a low-medium heat to break down, around 10 minutes).

Start on your pasta, cook as per instructions.
Add olives, capers, vinegar and fresh herbs if using.

Season with salt and pepper per taste.
Stir until warmed through then set aside.
Drain pasta and transfer to serving plates.
Add a ladle of sauce to each plate and finish with a drizzle of good quality olive oil (basil infused works well).
Serve with sauce on top or mix together before serving out.