
Tuesday 10 April 2012

Hot Cross Buns

Everyone likes Hot Cross Buns at Easter (or anytime really). Sweet, cinnamon buns with currents or mixed peel served warm with melted butter. YUM!
I can't remember where I got this recipe but it was a generic site. The pictures through as from the regular flour batch and the gluten free ones are last (cause they aren't as pretty) :)

Hot Cross Buns

Ingredients (buns)

340g flour
1 tsp All Spice
1 tsp Ground Cinnamon
1 tsp Ground Nutmeg
1 packet of yeast (or as per insutructions per gram of flour)
28g Caster sugar
85g Currents
28g mixed zest (optional)
Zest from once lemon
85g vegan margarine
175ml non-dairy milk

Ingredients (crosses)

57g Flour
28g vegan margarine

Ingredients (glaze)

28g Sugar
30mls boiling water


In a large bowl mix the flour, spices, yeast, sugar currants, mixed peel and lemon zest.

Make a well in the centre and add melted margarin and warmed milk.
Mix until a soft dough is formed. (I do it by hand but you can use electric beaters if you prefer)
Turn dough out onto a floured surface and kneed for 10 minutes.
Pleace dough in an greased bowl, cover in cling film or foil and place in warm place (around 30 degreec C) for 1-2 hours, until doubled in size.
To make crosses, rub margarine into the flour and add enough water to bind.
Roll out the mixture and cut into thin strips.
When dough has risen, divide into 12 pieces.
Roll each piece into a ball and place onto a greased baking tray. Add the crosses.

Cover with a tea towel and leave to rise for 30mins. Don't worry if they are close together because they can be pulled apart once baked.
Once risen., preheat the oven to 180C.
Make the glaze by adding boiling water to sugar and whisking together.
Then use a pastry brush to coat each bun with the glaze.
Bake for 30mins or until golden. You can check if they are cooked by placing a knife or skewer into the centre of the bun. If it comes out clean it is cooked through.
Serve warm with vegan margarine!

Gluten free ones...

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