
Monday 16 April 2012

Quesadillas with Guacamole

I went to my BFF's housewarming the other night and his beautiful girlfriend made me these yummy quesadillas based on a Jamie Oliver recipe, original recipe is here. Kathryn's recipe is below. Sorry about the quality of the picture, I had had many beers.

Quesadillas with Guacamole

Corn mini tortillas (Woolworth's brand and Mission mini white corn tortillas are both GF)
1 can Refried beans
Taco Seasoning
Roasted red capsicum
Roasted pumpkin (or sweet potato)
Caramelised red onion
Salt & Pepper
Mixed herb
Olive oil


You can roast your vegetables the day before as it won't matter if they are cold to begin with.
In a large frying pan add some olive oil and heat on medium.
Make up your quesadillas like a sandwich, with one piece of tortilla on the bottom, add your filling and one on the top. Squash down so it's flat.
Use a spatula to carefully lift the quesadilla onto the frying pan.
Fry for a few minutes until crispy and slightly browned.
Carefully flip over the quesadilla and fry the other side.
Remove and cut into quarters.
Serve with guacamole. Here's my guac recipe.
Jamie Oliver's recipe below.



2-3 ripe avocados
2-3 ripe tomatoes, deseeded
2 red chillies, deseeded
4 spring onions, chopped
Handful coriander
Pinch of salt
Black pepper (to taste)
Squeeze of lemon or lime juice

Add avocado, tomatoes, spring onions, chillies and coriander into a food processor and pulse till finely chopped.
Stir in salt, pepper and lemon/lime juice.

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