Thursday 16 February 2017

Jap Chae (Korean Glass Noddle Stir Fry)

I adapted this recipe from Crazy Korean Cooking.

Jap Chae (Korean Glass Noddle Stir Fry)


3 Tbls soy sauce (I used Tamari)
3 Tbls water
1 Tbls sugar (I used brown rice syrup)
1/2 tsp garlic, crushed
1 tps sesame oil
1 tsp sesame seeds
1/4 tsp black pepper

Stir Fry
5 oz Glass noodles (sweet potato noodles)
1/2 onion, sliced thinly
1 large carrot, cut julienne
1 red capsicum/pepper. sliced thinly (optional)
1/2 oz shitake musrhooms, soaked and sliced thinly
1 packet extra firm tofu, pressed and sliced into rectangle pieces.
2 oz baby spinach, blanched
1/4 tsp garlic, crushed
1/4 tsp salt
2 Tbls canola oil, for frying


Whisk the marinade ingredients together and pour 1 tsp of mixture over the cut tofu. Marinade for 15 minutes or longer.
Add oil to a medium-hot frying pan/wok and sear tofu pieces on both sides till browned.

Place tofu on paper towel and set to the side.
In a large pot add water to 2/3 full and boil. Add in glass noodles and cook for around 6-8 minutes.
In the frying pan add onion and carrots and cook until soft and cooked through.

Add in mushrooms and peppers/capsicum, wait till heated through.

Add in tofu and spinach and turn heat down to low.
Drain glass noddles and return to their pot.
Using kitchen scissors cut glass noodles into 1/4 of their original length or shorter.
Add the marinade to the noodles and mix well.
Pour in stir fry ingredients and mix well with noodles.
Serve and enjoy :)

1 comment:

  1. Very tasty food, cheap and easy to get, culinary
    Korea the mom is really good
    thank you article


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